Fotnote: basert på faktiske gjennomsnittslønninger1
I vedlegg til EaG-rapporten (Annex 3) (OECD 2009) gjøres det rede for hvordan lønnen er beregnet. For Norges vedkommende står det følgende: ”Salary data are averages based on actual figures. Norway has a minimum wage system for teachers (as for all workers employed by local and regional authorities). The general wage agreement between municipalities (KS) and teachers specify minimum wages for different types of teachers after 0, 4, 8, 10 and 16 years of experience. According to the Centralised agreement, it takes 16 years to grow from minimum to maximum salary. However, maximum salary is only a notion in the Centralised agreement. In local negotiation it is possible to get higher wages than what the Centralised agreement defines as maximum salary. ISCED levels 1-3:
Teachers with minimum level of training = general teachers (adjunkt) with 4 years of training.
Teacher with maximum qualifications = teachers with 6 years of training (lektor m/tilleggsutdanning).
Teacher with typical qualifications = general teachers with one year additional training – in total 5 years of teacher training (adjunkt m/tilleggsutdanning).”