TV1 in English - an introduction to the role of workplace union representative

Utdanningsforbundet Akershus invite the workplace union representative and deputy from the international schools in Akershus to an informal introduction to the role of workplace union representative. The contact person for these schools in the respective local branch is also invited.

Dette kurset er gjennomført

Om kurset

Hvor og når?
mandag 05. feb. kl. 17:30 - 19:30

Viken styrerom

C. J. Hambros Plass 2D 7, 0164 OSLO

Vis i Google Maps


Praktisk ansvarlig

Jane Silvester Lomax
E-post: [email protected]
Telefon: 97982683

Faglig ansvarlig

Jane Silvester Lomax
E-post: [email protected]
Telefon: 97982683

The content for this course is based on the first module of the basic training for all representatives of Utdanningsforbundet, known as “TV1”. There will be adjustments to the course offered to Norwegian speaking representatives to accommodate the special needs of schools with English as the workplace language. Please inform the course organizer if you have any allergies, as we will be ordering some food at the start of the meeting. If you for some reason cannot attend, please let us know by email to: [email protected] or the course organizer, [email protected]